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    June 2, 2023
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    Steve Hemmat

Understanding Discovery in Washington Family Law: An Essential Guide

What is discovery, and how does it impact the legal process? Today, we learn more about the most mysterious facets of the American legal system.

In the realm of family law in Washington State, there exists a critical yet often misunderstood procedure known as “discovery.” This process, instrumental in the successful progression of family law cases, is a pathway to fact-finding and obtaining necessary information. Let’s delve into the intricacies of discovery, unpacking its merits, potential drawbacks, constraints, and realistic expectations for the layperson navigating the legal labyrinth of Washington State family law.

The Discovery Process: An Overview

Discovery in family law cases, similar to other legal proceedings, is a pre-trial procedure where each party can obtain evidence, documents, and information from the other. In essence, it is a systematic and structured exchange of relevant information that ensures fair play and full disclosure, preventing either side from being caught off guard during trial.

This process can encompass various methods, including depositions (a formal, sworn statement taken orally), interrogatories (written questions that must be answered under oath), requests for production (formal requests for documents like financial records, emails, or other materials), and admissions of fact (requests to confirm or deny specific assertions).

In Washington State, parties involved in family law cases, such as divorce or child custody disputes, must undertake discovery as a way of establishing and understanding the facts. This may include the disclosure of financial information, personal circumstances, or any other details pertinent to the case.

Advantages of Discovery

Arguably, the primary advantage of discovery is transparency. The process facilitates the mutual exchange of vital information, allowing both parties to build a robust case. With all cards on the table, it promotes fairness and decreases the likelihood of surprises at trial.

Moreover, it gives each party and their attorney a clearer understanding of the case’s standing. This information often fosters negotiation and settlement discussions, potentially bypassing a time-consuming and emotionally taxing trial.

For instance, in a divorce case, the discovery process can unearth financial information—assets, debts, income—that assists in equitable division of property and calculation of alimony or child support.

Drawbacks of Discovery

However, the discovery process does not come without drawbacks. One notable disadvantage is the time and cost associated with this comprehensive information gathering. Given the scope of potentially relevant information, it can become an extended, laborious endeavor, resulting in significant legal fees and personal strain.

Another concern is privacy. Discovery often involves delving into personal and sensitive information, which may feel invasive. Despite its necessity in the legal process, this exposure of private matters can understandably feel uncomfortable to the parties involved.

Limitations of Discovery

While discovery serves as a pivotal tool for obtaining necessary information, it isn’t limitless. Washington State family law operates under certain restrictions to protect parties from harassment or unreasonable demands. For instance, the law places a limit on the number of interrogatories one party can send to the other.

Moreover, discovery requests must be relevant to the case at hand. Courts will not entertain “fishing expeditions”—attempts to dig up information without specific relevancy or purpose.

Expectations in the Discovery Process

So, what should one expect during discovery in a family law case? Firstly, expect the process to be thorough and possibly time-consuming. Your attorney will guide you in preparing appropriate responses and in determining what information to request from the opposing party.

Remember that honesty is crucial during discovery. As all information shared must be under oath, any dishonesty or attempts to hide information could lead to perjury charges and could negatively impact your case.

Finally, expect to be patient. While the process may seem daunting and prolonged, it is a fundamental part of ensuring that all relevant information comes to light. This assists in fostering a fair trial, or a fair settlement out of court.


The process of discovery in Washington State family law is undeniably a significant aspect of case progression. While it can be time-consuming, potentially expensive, and sometimes invasive, the benefits it offers in promoting transparency, fairness, and thorough preparation for trial are invaluable.

Understanding this process, its advantages, drawbacks, and limitations, equips individuals to navigate the intricate world of family law with clarity and confidence. Armed with this knowledge and with the guidance of a skilled family law attorney, one can engage in the discovery process as a necessary step toward a fair and equitable resolution to their case.

If you are looking for legal guidance in the Seattle area, contact the Hemmat Law Group today at (206) 682-5200 to speak with a dedicated family law attorney. We have extensive experience dealing with discovery, trial preparation, and other serious legal matters.

We Help Good People in Bad Situations

The Hemmat Law Group (HLG) was founded in 1994 by Steven Amir Hemmat, a former DOJ Trial Attorney. We specialize in family law, supporting victims of the legal system.

Divorce and Separation

The Hemmat Law Group help good people in bad situations.

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Article by Steve Hemmat
Founder, CEO