
The Only Law Firm

with Mental Health Strategists

The legal system is stressful, and most legal teams are completely unequipped to ease the suffering of the clients they serve. We fixed that.

At Hemmat Law, we have a dedicated team of legally-specialized strategists and life coaches baked right into our core service offerings.

Who our mental health coaches can help

Current clients

Potential clients

People unsure of their path

Victims of abuse or trauma


Why we did this:

We admit it: attorneys are terrible at making people feel good. It just isn’t in our skillset.

We are expensive to talk to, and we also aren’t trained as mental health professionals. This is a lose-lose scenario: with clients hurt that their attorney seems to never make them feel better, and the attorney frustrated that the client treats them like a therapist.

Likewise, many actual therapists and Licensed Mental Health Counselors (LMHC) have limited exposure to the legal system and often lack the insight to help guide clients through legal processes.

With an in-house mental health team tied to a law firm, we make everyone’s lives easier.


Thinking about a separation, but don’t want your therapy notes to be used against you in court? Our Coaches are protected by attorney-client confidentiality, unlike all other mental health professionals.


Not a client of Hemmat Law? Aren’t sure if you are ready to work with an attorney? No problem. Schedule with our coaching team directly and you won’t ever speak with a legal professional if you don’t want to.


Meet Michèle

Michèle Heffron, PCC, CDC is a former corporate executive who hit rock bottom in the aftermath of a nasty and drawn-out separation from her ex-husband. She now works with clients who are contemplating or experiencing major life changes, especially divorce.

Michèle is certified as a life, relationship, and divorce coach, and offers tailored guidance for those navigating emotional and financial abuse, traumatic divorces and separations, and post-divorce planning.

It’s never too late to choose yourself and embrace positive change.

To book a Complimentary Consultation with Michèle, click the button below

The Getting to the Heart Podcast

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